Results for 'William J. Letts'

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  1. Changes in student views of religion and science in a college astronomy course.Harry L. Shipman, Nancy W. Brickhouse, Zoubeida Dagher & William J. Letts - 2002 - Science Education 86 (4):526-547.
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    Evidence and warrants for belief in a college astronomy course.Nancy W. Brickhouse, Zoubeida R. Dagher, Harry L. Shipman & William J. Letts - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (6):573-588.
  3. Explanatory Depth in Primordial Cosmology: A Comparative Study of Inflationary and Bouncing Paradigms.William J. Wolf & Karim Pierre Yves Thébault - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    We develop and apply a multi-dimensional account of explanatory depth towards a comparative analysis of inflationary and bouncing paradigms in primordial cosmology. Our analysis builds on earlier work due to Azhar and Loeb (2021) that establishes initial conditions fine-tuning as a dimension of explanatory depth relevant to debates in contemporary cosmology. We propose dynamical fine-tuning and autonomy as two further dimensions of depth in the context of problems with instability and trans-Planckian modes that afflict bouncing and inflationary approaches respectively. In (...)
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  4. Respecting boundaries: theoretical equivalence and structure beyond dynamics.William J. Wolf & James Read - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (4):1-28.
    A standard line in the contemporary philosophical literature has it that physical theories are equivalent only when they agree on their empirical content, where this empirical content is often understood as being encoded in the equations of motion of those theories. In this article, we question whether it is indeed the case that the empirical content of a theory is exhausted by its equations of motion, showing that (for example) considerations of boundary conditions play a key role in the empirical (...)
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    The Virtues of Pursuit-Worthy Speculation: The Promises of Cosmic Inflation.William J. Wolf & Patrick M. Duerr - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
  6.  18
    Underdetermination in classic and modern tests of general relativity.William J. Wolf, Marco Sanchioni & James Read - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-41.
    Canonically, ‘classic’ tests of general relativity (GR) include perihelion precession, the bending of light around stars, and gravitational redshift; ‘modern’ tests have to do with, _inter alia_, relativistic time delay, equivalence principle tests, gravitational lensing, strong field gravity, and gravitational waves. The orthodoxy is that both classic and modern tests of GR afford experimental confirmation of that theory _in particular_. In this article, we question this orthodoxy, by showing there are classes of both relativistic theories (with spatiotemporal geometrical properties different (...)
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    Sharecropping in the Yemen: A Study in Islamic Theory, Custom and Pragmatism.Daniel Martin Varisco & William J. Donaldson - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):338.
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    Heidegger and Aristotle.William J. Richardson, S. J. - 1964 - Heythrop Journal 5 (1):58–64.
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    Cosmological inflation and meta-empirical theory assessment.William J. Wolf - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 103 (C):146-158.
  10. Three Comments On the Near Future of Mankind.Jean Fourastie & William J. Harrison - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (32):1-16.
    It seems impossible to foresee man's future. However, we do see clearly that the past determines our present in many realms : language, concept of the world, religion, science, law. Moreover, certain biological and physiological conditions appear to be so characteristic of the human species that we would not really be concerned with humanity if men managed to free themselves of these conditions.
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    Hypnotic induction decreases anterior default mode activity.William J. McGeown, Giuliana Mazzoni, Annalena Venneri & Irving Kirsch - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):848-855.
    The ‘default mode’ network refers to cortical areas that are active in the absence of goal-directed activity. In previous studies, decreased activity in the ‘default mode’ has always been associated with increased activation in task-relevant areas. We show that the induction of hypnosis can reduce anterior default mode activity during rest without increasing activity in other cortical regions. We assessed brain activation patterns of high and low suggestible people while resting in the fMRI scanner and while engaged in visual tasks, (...)
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  12.  8
    Promising stabs in the Dark: theory virtues and pursuit-worthiness in the Dark Energy problem.William J. Wolf & Patrick M. Duerr - 2024 - Synthese 204 (6):1-40.
    This paper argues that we ought to conceive of the Dark Energy problem—the question of how to account for observational data, naturally interpreted as accelerated expansion of the universe—as a crisis of underdetermined pursuit-worthiness. Not only are the various approaches to the Dark Energy problem evidentially underdetermined; at present, no compelling reasons single out any of them as more likely to be true than the other. More vexingly for working scientists, none of the approaches stands out as uncontroversially preferable over (...)
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  13.  57
    Adding Closed Unbounded Subsets of ω₂ with Finite Forcing.William J. Mitchell - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (3):357-371.
    An outline is given of the proof that the consistency of a κ⁺-Mahlo cardinal implies that of the statement that I[ω₂] does not include any stationary subsets of Cof(ω₁). An additional discussion of the techniques of this proof includes their use to obtain a model with no ω₂-Aronszajn tree and to add an ω₂-Souslin tree with finite conditions.
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    Physicians’ Quantitative Assessments of Medical Futility.William J. Winslade, Henry S. Perkins, Stuart J. Youngner, Jeffrey W. Swanson & S. Van McCrary - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (2):100-105.
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    Justice in hindsight: The problem with eyewitness identification and exoneration by DNA technology.William J. Morgan Jr - unknown
    According to Scheck, Newfeld, and Dwyer (2000), there have been innumerable individuals wrongly convicted of a crime and sentenced to life imprisonment or to death based upon faulty evidence. The historical development of DNA evidence as a tool in the investigative process during the past 25 years is explained/analyzed, and the role of eyewitness evidence in the wrongful conviction of innocent individuals. This paper culminates in the Anthony Capozzi case study where eyewitness testimony wrongfully imprisoned a man before the advent (...)
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  16.  29
    Mental health services within the new York state department of correctional services: An examination of best policies and practices.William J. Morgan Jr - unknown
    A significant number of inmates with mental illness reside within the New York State Department of Corrections (NYSDOCS). New York State has taken the initiative to provide mentally ill inmates with necessary services through a collaboration of the New York State Department of Correctional Services and the New York State Office of Mental Health (NYSOMH). The collaboration results in a mental health delivery system that provides many essential services to mentally ill inmates. This paper focuses on the organization of mental (...)
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    Alcohol as the aversive stimulus in conditioned taste aversion.Catherine S. Davison & William J. House - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (1):49-50.
  18.  18
    Ethical Practice in Clinical Medicine.William J. Ellos S. J. - 1990 - Routledge.
    Increasingly, medical students are required to face up to ethical issues in their training and practice. At the same time, there is growing interest in philosophy courses in the ethical issues raised by medical practice. This textbook, designed primarily for students of medicine, develops the issues to a philosophical level complex enough to be satisfying to students of philosophy as well as MA students on applied ethics courses. The author advocates an approach to medical ethics which breaks out of the (...)
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    The Roles of the Ethics Consultant.William J. Winslade - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (4):335-337.
    In this comment I discuss the role of an ethics case consultant in an institutional setting, in contrast to situations when an ethics consultant serves an individual client. In the former situation, I believe the case consultant should articulate ethical issues, options, and arguments, but not recommend a particular course of conduct. In the latter situation, the role of the ethics consultant can be defined and determined in negotiations with the client.
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    Preliminary Exams and Graduate Education.John H. Williams & William J. Berg - 1971 - Substance 1 (2):135.
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    Ethical concerns of staff in a rehabilitation center.Jenny M. Young & William J. Sullivan - 2001 - HEC Forum 13 (4):361-367.
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  22.  34
    Sex, Drugs, Death and the Law: An Essay on Human Rights and Over-Criminalization.William J. Winslade & David A. J. Richards - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (2):47.
    Book reviewed in this article: Sex, Drugs, Death and the Law: An Essay on Human Rights and Overcriminalization. By David A. J. Richards. Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1982. xii + 316 pp. $26.95.
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    Some Narrative Methodologies for Clinical Ethics.William J. Ellos - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (3):315-322.
    The increasing role played by medical ethicists in the clinical setting both as teachers and consultants has brought with it a demand for new methodologies that speak more precisely to the multiple problems encountered in actual attempts at case resolution. Some of these moves have to do with a revival of the truly classic case study approach to ethics, casuistry. This approach is anchored in the revelatory text of Jonsen and Toulmin, TheAbuseofCasuistry. A fine example of this methodology is an (...)
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    Surgical castration, Texas law and the case of Mr T.William J. Winslade - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (9):591-592.
    Persons who commit crimes involving sexual abuse of children exploit their victims in several ways. Sex offenders use their power and authority over vulnerable children to whom they have easy access. Teachers, coaches, clergy, family members and childcare workers have been exposed as sex offenders. The Pennsylvania State University football coach, Jerry Sandusky, is now in prison for his many crimes. The widespread cover up of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in the USA and other countries is a horrendous scandal. (...)
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    BOOKS Review.William J. Gavin & Philip T. Grier - 1994 - Metaphilosophy 25 (2-3):224-232.
    Legal Philosophies of Russian Liberalism. By Andrzej Walicki. A History of Russian Philosophy, Edited by Valery A. Kuvakin.
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    Consistency of $n$-order logics.William J. Thomas - 1976 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (2):257-262.
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    Modern art and social responsibility.William J. Norton - 1940 - Journal of Philosophy 37 (12):325-332.
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    Provably recursive real numbers.William J. Collins - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (4):513-522.
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    Policing the brass: A case study in command malfeasance.William J. Giannetti - 2003 - Criminal Justice Ethics 22 (2):32-37.
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    St John Fisher's defence of the holy priesthood.S. J. William J. O'rourke - 1967 - Heythrop Journal 8 (3):260–293.
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    Towards a value theory of mind.William J. Norton - 1941 - Philosophy of Science 8 (2):255-263.
    My interest is to examine the nature of mind in relation to value, for I suspect that the neglect by the psychologist of the true status of value has deterred his work in two respects: first, that it has prevented a genuine theory of mind's being arrived at, and secondly that it has prevented him in his clinical work from achieving for the individual the fuller expression of mind or self that makes for satisfaction or happiness.
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    The construction of a Steiner triple system on sets of the power of the continuum without the axiom of choice.William J. Frascella - 1966 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 7 (2):196-202.
  33.  39
    Vagueness untamed, or naming the unnameable.William J. Gavin - 1995 - Metaphilosophy 26 (3):313-320.
  34.  30
    Humanistic Problem Solving: The Case of Mr. T.William J. Winslade - 1997 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 8 (4):389-397.
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    Reply to Brooks.William J. Winslade - 2013 - In Arthur L. Caplan & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in bioethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 25--192.
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    Man's knowledge of God.William J. Wolf - 1955 - Garden City, New York,: Doubleday.
  37. No Cross, No Crown, a Study of the Atonement.William J. Wolf - 1957
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    Aristophanes Of Byzantium And Problem-Solving In The Museum.William J. Slater - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (02):336-.
    When Festus said to Paul: ‘Much learning doth make thee mad’, Paul's answer was the instinctive defence of a scholar under attack: ‘I am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak forth the words of truth and soberness’. Whether poets were mad or sober has been a question for critics ever since Gorgias pointed out the incompatibility; it is less frequently debated why scholars unlike poets should need to affirm their sobriety. I should like to concentrate on one aspect of (...)
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    Leukippe as Tragedy.William J. Slater & Martin Cropp - 2009 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 153 (1):63-85.
    This article deals with a mosaic from ancient Zeugma on the Euphrates found in 2002 and recently published with interpretive commentary. Its subject is the story of Theonoe and Leukippe preserved only in Hyginus and nowhere in Greek. Despite this, the authors argue that the myth, in its unique form, can for over one thousand years be connected with romance, mime, pantomime, tragedy and derives ultimately from early Cretan rituals of transvestism. Its immediate inspiration however is imperial pantomime along with (...)
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    Theatres for Hire.William J. Slater - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (2):272-291.
    The Piraeus were certainly leased out to private individuals in classical antiquity. It has been suggested that this was common and was true even for the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens, and that this model was true for impermanent wooden theatres. This article argues a contrary position: that there is only one certain example of a leased theatre, which may for all we know have been unique. The other alleged parallel, the deme theatre in Acharnae, is argued to be wrongly (...)
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]James P. Scanlan, William J. Gavin, Irving H. Anellis, Fred Seddon & Thomas Nemeth - 1986 - Studies in East European Thought 31 (3):93-95.
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    The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics (review). [REVIEW]William J. Prior - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (1):97-98.
    This is a brief review of Silverman's study of Plato's ontology, in particular his theory of Forms. Silverman writes from an analytic viewpoint. He accepts the developmentalist picture of Plato's thought, but holds that the development is gradual. He focuses on the issue of predication, and especially self-predication. He tends to treat Plato's ontology as a free-standing subject. All of these features are controversial. I wondered in particular whether the analytic approach required more precision than can be found in the (...)
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    The Authentic Discourse of the RenaissanceRhetorical Norms in Renaissance Literature. [REVIEW]Michael McCanles & William J. Kennedy - 1980 - Diacritics 10 (1):76.
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    Heuristic classification.William J. Clancey - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 27 (3):289-350.
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    Comments.William J. Zanardi - 1984 - International Studies in Philosophy 16 (2):67-70.
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    The epistemology of a rule-based expert system —a framework for explanation.William J. Clancey - 1983 - Artificial Intelligence 20 (3):215-251.
  47.  69
    William James’ Philosophy of Science.William J. Gavin - 1978 - New Scholasticism 52 (3):413-420.
    Although william james wrote no complete philosophy of science, nonetheless there exist in his writings several references to scientific procedure. furthermore, these are anti-positivistic in tone. these references include: 1) a rejection of the old baconian model for science; 2) an assertion that competing conceptual models of experience exist, each one of which can account for the empirical data in question; 3) nonetheless, a refusal either to reduce different conceptual theories to one conceptual outlook, or to reduce conceptual models (...)
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  48. Reason and the Heart: A Prolegomenon to a Critique of Passional Reason.William J. Wainwright - 1995 - Religious Studies 32 (4):513-517.
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    J. L. Schellenberg: Evolutionary Religion: Oxford University Press, New York, 2013, 174 pp., $35.00.William J. Meyer - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 76 (2):223-227.
    Rarely have I begun a book with such keen enthusiasm only later to cool to a deep but respectful ambivalence. In this clearly written and thoughtful monograph, Canadian analytic philosopher J. L. Schellenberg spurs readers to think about religion in evolutionary terms analogous to how Darwin and others have taught us to think about nature. As I will outline, I think he has mixed success in this engaging endeavor.Schellenberg’s valuable insight, and the source of my initial enthusiasm, is his emphasis (...)
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    How Dysfunctional Must Real-World Democracies Become Before Legislating by Deliberative Poll Would Be More Democratic?William J. Talbott - 2020 - Krisis 40 (1):74-81.
    This essay is part of a dossier on Cristina Lafont's book Democracy without Shortcuts.
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